About Me

Hi there! I am a researcher at AI Lab, Electronic Arts.

Previously, I worked at Media Lab and Lightspeed & Quantum Studio, Tencent America on 3D scene modeling for VR Immersive Research with Dr. Bing Jian and 3D human modeling with Zhongshan Zhang and Ka Chen. I got M.S. Degree in Computer Science from University of California, Davis advised by Prof. Yong Jae Lee, worked with Dr. Krishna Kumar Singh, and mentored by Dr. Zhe Hu at Hikvision Research.

Prior to that, I was a senior vision researcher leading a research team at Xiaomi Technology, where I directly reported to Dr. Hangjun Ye and released the core semantic parsing feature of Next Flag Phones. I was also a computer vision researcher at Imaging & Vision Lab, Meitu Technology, where I developed these creative research products Meitu Artbot Andy, Meitu Style, Meitu Beauty, and Meitu ID Photo. During my undergraduate life, I interned as a vision researcher with Dr. Shi Qiu at Sensetime Research and worked closely with Prof. Ting-lan Lin.

My interest lies in 2D/3D/AR/VR scene & human understanding, modeling, creative vision and graphics. Besides research and product, I enjoy taking Photos and traveling in my spare time :)