How to configure your hexo blog



*Mainly reference *

Step one Build your own hexo on github:
* [使用Hexo搭建个人博客(基于hexo3.0](** `recommand link`
* [HEXO+Github,搭建属于自己的博客](
* [hexo系列教程](
* [使用Github Pages建独立博客](
* [在 Coding 上搭建 Hexo 个人博客!](

Step two Build your own hexo on github:
* [Next Theme]( ###### Need to remember
* System config.yml ```  theme: next # for theme change
deploy: # for deploy update to server
  	type: git
  	repository:		ssh://
  	branch: master 

mainly command:

Generate static files:

$ hexo generate

More info: Generating

Run server:

$ hexo server

More info: Server

Deploy to remote sites

$ hexo deploy

More info: Deployment

New Post: bash $ hexo new "xxxx"

markdown script language reference

MaHua markdownEditor theme talk

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